Adding Learners to an Account

Before learners can be added to an active subscription, they must be first entered into the account in User Management

In order to add users to an account, you will first go to the PeriopSim Experience Portal and log into your Educator's account. Once you're in your account, navigate to the menu on the left side of the page and click on the User Management tab under the organization which your account is connected to. Once in User Management you will see your name and email address listed under Educators. Scroll down the User Management page and go to the section labeled "Learner Groups"

The first step in adding learners is to create a new group by clicking the "Add Group"
button. Once your first group has been created it will automatically be labeled "Group 1" by default. To edit the group name, click on the "Edit" button next to the group name and rename. We recommend naming your groups by cohorts and adding learners by cohorts if possible.  Learners can be arranged into named groups or kept in single group depending on how you want to structure and manage your learners. See Arranging learners into Groups for more information. 


Before entering learners into the system, the decision when to send out invitation emails needs to be made. By default invitation emails will be sent out as learners are added to the account. If introducing learners to PeriopSim will be done as a group activity, it is recommended to uncheck the "Send invitation link by email" checkbox. This checkbox can be toggled off and on depending on when you want invitations to be sent out

Next, we're going to add learners into the account by name and email address. Note: Please verify that the email address is correct before adding the learner. To add learners, enter the name and email address of each leaner in the text fields and then click the "Add" button. We highly recommend using organization emails to enter your learners in. Repeat this process for each learner.

Note: If the learner already has an account using the same email address then that learner user will be linked to your account otherwise a new user will be created.

Now that your learners have been added to the account, the next step is adding them to a subscription. Guidance can be found here on Adding Learners to a Subscription