Installing PeriopSim VR for HTC VIVE Focus Vision: VIVE Business App Store or VIVEPORT Store

Applications for the HTC VIVE Focus Vision Business Edition can be found in the VIVE Business AppStore or via the VIVEPORT Store

Installing PeriopSim VR for HTC VIVE Focus Vision via the VIVEPORT Store

Headsets registered with VIVE Business Warranty and Services (BWS) can switch the app marketplace between VIVEPORT and the VIVE Business AppStore. For further instructions on how to switch the app marketplace, follow the link below:

The VIVEPORT Store offers a convenient way to access standalone titles and PCVR content. You can browse through titles in the VIVEPORT Store from your headset or via desktop computer. To access VIVEPORT in VR, select Store from within the HTC lobby. If wanting to use your web browser, go to the VIVEPORT website to purchase titles. PeriopSim VR is located at:

Installing PeriopSim VR for HTC VIVE Focus Vision via the HTC Business AppStore

Access to the HTC Business App Store will require a headset registered with VIVE Business Warranty and Services (BWS). If your HTC VIVE Focus Vision headset was not purchased from VIVE Business, you can still purchase VIVE Business Warranty and Services separately. To learn more about VIVE Business, visit the VIVE Business website 

The HTC VIVE Business AppStore offers a convenient way to access titles and other content. Before downloading, you can browse through titles in the VIVE Business AppStore from your headset or via desktop computer. To access VIVE Business AppStore in VR, select Store from within the HTC lobby. If wanting to use your web browser, go to the VIVE Business AppStore website to purchase titles. PeriopSim VR is located at:

After purchasing a VR title it will appear in the headset Library when you filter VR apps by the "Not Installed" category. Follow the steps in Downloading and installing VR titles on the headset to install the VR title.